Please come and visit the Little Scruffs on my website

Little Scruffs would love you to come and visit the website as cyberspace can be very lonely for tiny bears!!!!

Monday, 23 September 2013

23rd September 2013

Another couple of months have passed me by!! If you ever want to know what is happening with the Little Scruffs please just go to my website which I update regularly as my poor blog is very often left for months at a time. Also if you would like to be the first to be  notified when new bears, dogs and other creatures go onto my website please email me to go onto the list  

I have dropped off lots of new dogs and cats at Teddy Bears of Witney today ready for when their catologue comes out which this year should be  the end of October. I will send photos of mine in the next Newsletter or blog

The little chic above is my latest creation who I do think is rather cute. I am also working on bears and other animals on wheels

Here are a couple that are available on my website at the moment so please do take a look at these and others

I hope you have a good week and thanks for looking at my blog

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