Please come and visit the Little Scruffs on my website

Little Scruffs would love you to come and visit the website as cyberspace can be very lonely for tiny bears!!!!

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

13th October 2010

Had a rare day off from bearmaking today and went to visit my daughter Amy in Bristol. I love it there, it is such a mixture of everything!!! So many interesting shops, individual and quirky and we had a fantastic lunch at one of the many, many eating houses.
I finished a 2" bear last night! It took longer to make than my usual 4" bears as I was chopping and changing the style and size as I went along. I tried to take a decent photo but the lighting was bad so will add it to the website tomorrow
It would have been my brother David's birthday today. He died earlier this year after lots of suffering so I hope he is partying today in a better place.
I am nearly up to date with orders so will hopefully be back to adding lots more bears to the website
Bye for now and thanks for reading my blog
Little Scruffs


  1. Your little bears are absolutely lovely..each one looks such a genuine little individual.....

  2. Thank you so much Pat, really appreciate your comments xxJean
