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Wednesday, 17 March 2010

17th March 2010

I want to thank 3 people for nominating me for Sunshine Awards and they are as follows:-
Dawn Bevin @

Sprinkles Sparkles

I very much appreciate it, thanks ladies!!

Sunshine Award RulesThe Sunshine Award is awarded to bloggers whose positivity & creativity inspires others in the blog world.To accept the award:
Place this award on your blog or in a post
Pass the award on to 12 bloggersLink the nominees within the postLet the nominiees know they have received the award by commenting on their blog
Share the love and link to the person from whom you received the award.I guess we all know what it is like to write a blog sometimes, and feel like no one ever reads it, so the awards are a lovely way to show each other appreciation and spread the word :)

So here are my nominees:
  • Delicate Sparkles
  • Designs by Isis
  • Diary of a Nutty Knitter n ...
  • Giddy kipper dolls
  • Helen @ The Beading Lady
  • incy wincy stitches
  • Inspired Brides
  • Blimey only managed 9 and it won't let me put any more- will put the rest up later as don't want to lose this lot!!!
  • 1 comment:

    1. and then I realised that as I had had 3 sunshine awards I need to nominate 36!!!!! 27 to go :)
