Please come and visit the Little Scruffs on my website

Little Scruffs would love you to come and visit the website as cyberspace can be very lonely for tiny bears!!!!

Saturday, 30 March 2013

30th March 2013

A very happy Easter  to all of you. We have our daughter Amy home from Sicily and it is a non stop week of catching up with friends, partying and shopping for her before she goes back on Monday. Both the girls treated me to a Mum and Daughters spa day with afternoon tea followed by meeting up with the men for a lovely Tai meal on the night. Having just come back from 3 weeks in France which my husband spent ripping the bathroom apart and having to go to the local swimming baths for a shower, that spa day was most welcome!!!!
Of course before that I did the Hugglets bear fair in London. The day went by so quickly and was wonderful as always with many Little Scruffs finding new homes.
My website has a page for all the Little Scruffs that are available with the button saying Bears. There now seems to be as many dogs and other animals finding their way onto it  and causing confusion with people  so I have added an "Available" button also. One day I will give the website a revamp when I get another pair of hands!
Lots of new animals have gone onto the website this week including Maguire, below and a cat, mouse, dogs and of course bears

Once again enjoy your Easter break. The sun is shining here in Evesham